We have to admit that we usually correlate heat and burning with metabolism. And related to it is physical activity. Between couples that meant “fun way of burning those excess calories”. But research says...It’s sizzling hot in the room and yet you don’t burn as much calories. One interesting article from Dole Nutrition Institute focuses on “boosting metabolism by braving cool temperatures”.
Dole DNI concern for the increasing prevalence of obesity was the reason for compilation of articles such as the one above. Dole Nutrition Institute Jennifer Grossman head starts with her innumerous editorials and television guesting’s that which focuses on Dole’s Summer Campaign on Nutrition and Health. “Feed the world with knowledge” is the main concern and so Jennifer Grossman Dole Nutrition Institute tries to reach far and wide to encourage people on the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, in addition to many other advices to combat obesity world crisis. Any that could be advantageous like the aforementioned “boosting metabolism by braving cool temperatures”. The passion of Jennifer Grossman to share this to others is something we should have as well. And in our own little way imitate the Jennifer Grossman Dole that which spreads the word through her publications and spread in our own way in our blogs, social networks or even by word of mouth.
Energy expenditures were monitored for 15 men (average age 26) and 10 women (average age 32) as they alternated 12-hour periods in rooms heated to either 80 degrees or 60 degrees. The surprising finding: Exposure to 60-degree temperatures resulted in a 6% increase in calories burned without significant changes in physical activity. Moreover, exposure to lower temperature also resulted in a 13% increase in fatty acid levels in the blood, indicating that fat stores were being mobilized.
At work is thermogenesis: the conversion of calories to bodyheat. A similar dynamic was demonstrated in one German study where drinking 17 ounces of water increased metabolism by 30%, as increased energy was needed to heat the water to the body’s temperature. So, how can you use temperature to turbocharge your weight-loss efforts? Indoors, let your body acclimate to a cooler environment. Outdoors, exercise during cool weather without bundling up (e.g., shorts instead of sweats). By exposing your arms and/or legs you will not only burn more calories – you may augment your vitamin D levels by letting your skin soak in sunlight (which triggers vitamin D production).
One note of caution: If you’re prone to high blood pressure, exposure to cold temperatures could increase your vulnerability to heart attacks so exercise moderation in taking advantage of cool calorie-burning effects.
Dole DNI concern for the increasing prevalence of obesity was the reason for compilation of articles such as the one above. Dole Nutrition Institute Jennifer Grossman head starts with her innumerous editorials and television guesting’s that which focuses on Dole’s Summer Campaign on Nutrition and Health. “Feed the world with knowledge” is the main concern and so Jennifer Grossman Dole Nutrition Institute tries to reach far and wide to encourage people on the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, in addition to many other advices to combat obesity world crisis. Any that could be advantageous like the aforementioned “boosting metabolism by braving cool temperatures”. The passion of Jennifer Grossman to share this to others is something we should have as well. And in our own little way imitate the Jennifer Grossman Dole that which spreads the word through her publications and spread in our own way in our blogs, social networks or even by word of mouth.