Can't find the words why this morning I am so
happy.Friday, May 31, 2019
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Sunday, July 22, 2012
There were times that we suddenly feel...STUCKED!
We wouldn't want to step back nor do we know if we want to go forward. We're not even sure if we want to move.
Look back to how you came about this reality. Is this something unexpected? Is this something you have been dreading? Is this something you tried to put at the back of your mind but keeps popping up each time you are in that verge of happiness and suddenly falls into that oblivion of being speechless...and stucked. You mind goes reeling but you lips are frozen.
How do we ever put ourselves in such situations...and time and again, we just cross that path of stillness, push it off our way and continue on, accepting that today is not the day...maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love."
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Giving up, women now learned to use this time their men alott on sports to be theirs as well by learning the sport he loves or to at least get him to join you in finding one that interests both of you. Not only is this a great way to strengthen the relationship but also a great advantage to health and a great time to cool down and relax. It could be an indoor activity or an outdoor if preferred, the important thing is that there is a change in routine, a set of new topics to divulge on, an added excitement to your relationship that breaks boredom or commonality on your day to day event. Plus the proven fact that adventure, exercise and sports releases the addictive love hormone, Endorphins. It makes everything more positive around each other with this feel good hormone.
Usually couples choose outdoor activities for the change in scenery. From biking, hiking,running, snowboarding, skiing and the likes. And you see

How nice would it be to do the thing you and your better half enjoy comfortably and in style! Not only will you now have more time together but also continue learning more about each other.
Years you have been together sharing everything. He is your best friend. He knows every tiny bit about you no other knows. He knows what goes on in your mind, he knows what to do to cheer you up, he knows when you are disappointed or if you will be pleased...sometimes he even know you better than you know yourself. And he left...
It's almost being dependent on him. You expect him to hug you when you get cold that you tend to forget to bring a wrap when you go out. You are certain that you will get a foot massage for the long standing up you had to do early today. And he left...
At some point, you just developed the fact that he is and will always be there for you. There will be someone to change the light when it get busted. He will fetch you wherever you are when you are stranded if just to accompany you. Be the escort you are proud of whichever event needs escorting. And he left...]
You have finally given your heart and your soul...content that you have him. And he left...
What's heart wrenching is that he left you though he do not want to. He passed away. He fought to stay and continue being your escort, your companion, your wrap, your everything. He left and you are left behind. Now you look back and say to yourself, if only you are there for him as he is for you. If you only have used every opportunity given you to be perfect for him.
Monday, August 29, 2011
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Inseparable! Couples hopelessly in love with one another just could not get enough of each other. When together, they seem to be glued together. When not with each other, they still have this need to at least hear the voice of one another, and the things to say and to share are just endless. REGARDLESS OF THE PHONE BILLS!!!
But why have tremendously large bills to pay when you don’t have to? Just have NET10 and see how outrageous those other providers are for charging you such high amounts starting from choosing plans with their many hidden charges and the airtime fees, not to mention all the trouble you have to do and bear just for you to shift from one plan to another.
NET10 you can have a plan and a phone of your choice with no contracts, bills or credit check. Imagine having unlimited calls and text to your honey-lovey for a month for a mere $50. Period. No hidden charges to suddenly pop-out of your bill. And with that is unlimited internet access and 411. Seems unbelievable but read on and increase the raised eyebrows I also sported when I first heard of NET10 qualities that I now have proven true. Net10 guarantees nationwide coverage with no static, drop calls or any unclear signal experience. And you have a wide variety of mobile unit choices from known phone manufacturers like LG, Motorola, Kyocera, Nokia and Samsung at low prices. I got mine for under $60 as I have always craved for touch screens with all the basics plus great app capabilities, camera and video recorder, web access and the likes. And I bought another for under $40 to give to my sister for her birthday that which have the usual necessities like camera, video recorder, blue tooth capability, mobile web and more. If you are like mom and dad to want just the simple ones that they use just for calling and texting you can grab one for as low as $15.
With NET10 you can adjust to you month’s airtime needs. And you can switch with no penalties or fees. They also understand different lifestyles therefore made available options to go with it like the Easy Minute Plus plan where you can automatically have them charge from your bank account, or the Pay-as-you-go plans where you grab airtimes from local stores almost anywhere that which the minutes carry over with active service. This means big or small, no matter what your status is, whoever you are, you are thought of. And you definitely will benefit from the QUALITY SERVICE they offer.
A couple definitely will benefit with the by the minute need to stay in touch with one another. Even long distance affairs can withstand the challenge of being far from each other with the Long Distance Service that is available to over 75 countries. With just 15 cents per minute on calls originated in the US they bridge the communication gap. There even is an International Neighbors program available to Canada and Mexico wherein they give you a special phone number that your family and friends can use to reach you at your NET10 number. Even a college student a coast apart from her parent have no way of saying she can’t be reached. It is affordable enough compared to other providers just as Jemena in her testimonial have verified. See her video here
One of the Real NET10 customer who have heard of the 10 Good Reasons why one should not let this NET10 offer go by have convinced me to try. Let that “angel” be me for you. See this Cute NET10 commercial that I pass on to friends and love ones if you can.
From all these to the customer service, I have none yet to share that have not met my satisfaction. Even their help though twitter and facebook have not gone unnoticed. See for yourself and be the judge to what I believe is such a wonderful opportunity to have a better relationship with your better half as COMMUNICATION IS MIGHTY IMPORTANT TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK OUT FINE.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Energy expenditures were monitored for 15 men (average age 26) and 10 women (average age 32) as they alternated 12-hour periods in rooms heated to either 80 degrees or 60 degrees. The surprising finding: Exposure to 60-degree temperatures resulted in a 6% increase in calories burned without significant changes in physical activity. Moreover, exposure to lower temperature also resulted in a 13% increase in fatty acid levels in the blood, indicating that fat stores were being mobilized.
At work is thermogenesis: the conversion of calories to bodyheat. A similar dynamic was demonstrated in one German study where drinking 17 ounces of water increased metabolism by 30%, as increased energy was needed to heat the water to the body’s temperature. So, how can you use temperature to turbocharge your weight-loss efforts? Indoors, let your body acclimate to a cooler environment. Outdoors, exercise during cool weather without bundling up (e.g., shorts instead of sweats). By exposing your arms and/or legs you will not only burn more calories – you may augment your vitamin D levels by letting your skin soak in sunlight (which triggers vitamin D production).
One note of caution: If you’re prone to high blood pressure, exposure to cold temperatures could increase your vulnerability to heart attacks so exercise moderation in taking advantage of cool calorie-burning effects.
Dole DNI concern for the increasing prevalence of obesity was the reason for compilation of articles such as the one above. Dole Nutrition Institute Jennifer Grossman head starts with her innumerous editorials and television guesting’s that which focuses on Dole’s Summer Campaign on Nutrition and Health. “Feed the world with knowledge” is the main concern and so Jennifer Grossman Dole Nutrition Institute tries to reach far and wide to encourage people on the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, in addition to many other advices to combat obesity world crisis. Any that could be advantageous like the aforementioned “boosting metabolism by braving cool temperatures”. The passion of Jennifer Grossman to share this to others is something we should have as well. And in our own little way imitate the Jennifer Grossman Dole that which spreads the word through her publications and spread in our own way in our blogs, social networks or even by word of mouth.