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Friday, October 30, 2009

In my previous post, a question has been raised, does age matter in a relationship? …and I am reminded of it with this book in my bookshelf for years already but have not read until yesterday when I decided to bore myself to death with it if it really is a bore. But as it turned out, it is not! After all it is a Jude Deveraux, one of those authors’s whose books I collect. Maybe I just did not trust the cover much before, the reason why I believed it to be uninteresting.

10 years age gap can work, just as it did with my great grans being a teacher-student relationship. They lived happily with 7 loving kids. BUT I am uncertain if it is conceivable if it is a 10 year gap with the lady being the more senior. It just seems impossible. Women by nature, matures earlier than men…and that big a gap may not be pursuable anymore. I don’t’ know if you know any couple in such a case, if so, I would love to hear their standing. Just as I am not sure yet how this story, The Invitation, will turn out. Jackie is the baby sitter of Billy whom he has loved since and until they met again a decade after.

An exciting story I can say, them being both very aware of each other and the spark of interest that had been there all along is now in a mature definition.


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