Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?'The girl said, 'NO!'And the guy lived happily ever afterand road motorcycles and went fishing and huntingand played golf a lot and drank beer and scotchand had tons of money in the bank andleft the toilet seat up andlet wind whenever he wanted.The End
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
It’s not always sitting down and staring at each other, but moments of fun and laughter as well…these are moments of you and him that you treasure. And it can even be better with photofunia. Click! Click! You have your picture, but this site that have daily addition of fun, where you can choose a variety of backgrounds and styles makes your photo fun.

It is an understatement to say that being in love makes you crave to be with the one you love every minute, and so you would definitely be having a lot of those “you and me”. Your photo for your frame on your desk, your reminder of him in your room, momento of your first, second, third and so forth monthsary, your first moment together with your family, your favorite hang-out, your every moment. You have thousands of “you and me” even without an event definitely, and to give a twist and make it a little more different, try photofun.

In fact it is not just for you lovebirds, it is as fun to do with your friends photos, and your family. It also is an appealing to be in your different social network albums like Friendster, Facebook, Tagged, etc. I have some in mine and it makes people wonder how I do them…and they comment even on the magnificence of it. Art.

Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It sometimes comes to a point of begging when the person who became our life, our breath, our everything...finds another way other than WITH us.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The one who loves least controls the relationship.~Unknown
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
You are eyeing this girl for the longest time, but you are taking your time trying to be what she wants a man to be. She likes men carrying long hair, you grew your clean cut to long; she likes sports cars, you exchange your classy car to a sporty; she likes this, you do that.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Last time I had to buy cake is when my daughter celebrated her birthday, and there’s this theme we are supposed to follow ~ The Princess theme. And she requested Cinderella so I had to go from one Cake shop to another looking for the right one. It is mind boggling enough…but how more on a wedding cake?!
I definitely need more than a week in choosing. From the design to the taste, since I love “almost” every variety there is. Yeah, I love cakes! And just this morning, I was visited by this new blogger friend and upon browsing through, there she have wedding cakes!
And all you married ladies out there, I’m sure you will agree with me when I say that it is one of those important things to look into in a wedding. Am I right? Why so for you?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
“There’s more to love than making love” is a phrase that has been kept repeating over and over in this song. Just as it was in one of my previous posts, I have zeroed in on S- - not being the only thing that makes of marriage (or relationship). Frankly, it also gives a big enough impact to be remembered when everything else failed. BUT in this instance, we use the word Making Love, because too much of a strong emotion connected to it than pure and simple s - - that implicates worldly need. That something special comes out from our very being IF love is in the center.
All Because You Kissed Me Goodnight
~by Sandy Rirstan
I climbed the door and opened the stairs,
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers.
Then turned off the bed and crawled in the light,
All because you kissed me goodnight.
Next morning I woke and scrambled my shoes,
Polished my eggs and toasted the news.
I couldn’t tell my left from my right,
All because you kissed me goodnight.
That evening at last, I felt normal again,
So I picked up my mother and called the phone,
I spoke to the puppy and threw dad a bone.
Even at midnight the sun was still bright,
All because you kissed me goodnight.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The very first on the list comes the WATCH. There’s so many to choose from but his personality will define what’s best for him. Is he the sporty type? A classy, indoor type?
Next goes the tools and equipment that would make his chores more manageable…but be sure that you know which one is already in his tool shed.
Maybe you, HEY MISTER…YES YOU!... can you give us help here…and give us an advice of what you want. Nothing better than to get the information from those who needs them.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Flowers for so long have been a token of love. That in the event that you want to convey something, you hand over a bunch of them. In actuality, women, by nature, loves flowers. It brings out the femininity in them. And so bearing this in mind, men then gives them what would please them, thinking that flowers is one of them. But remember…it is only one of them, and it also depends on the woman’s personality.
Still, as afore mentioned, it has been a tradition; and so is now being almost expected by women from those pursuing them. Somewhat making it a basis of comparison as to the other women being pursued.
I guess then that to be on the safe side, provide them flowers unless they are allergic to it! ;)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
…and same goes with this jealousy inside a relationship. It is healthy in a way in letting the other know that you care enough to get hurt, but in excess of it will be lacking trust. The moment though that YOU DON’T CARE whether he does not go home and not be aware of anything happening to him, you simply have let the love fade away. That you really do not care anymore.
Keep the love burning, give assurances and not let insecurities build in between. “It takes two to tango” so it’s not always HIS job to do that, but HERS as well.
Benetton always comes to mind whenever this cultural gap is mentioned. Benetton really have a high end when it comes to their trademark of different races joined together in their products. I can probably say LOVE IS BENETTON. That love is possible even in different colors, because I see couples of differing colors make it to the altar.
As they say…”Love conquers all!” Obviously, even the gaps!
Monday, November 16, 2009
~ by Hoshang N. Akhta
More often than not, a marriage, or a relationship that started in bed (or because of "it") ~ do not survive the long lasting commitment and responsibility connected to it.
We cannot just jump into marriage because we are sexually compatible. Well in the true sense of the word, we should not actually know that until AFTER we are married. But speaking of the general population's state..."it" is just a small part of it.
Yes there's the sizzle, there's the sparkle...but is there friendship?

We have to remember always that s-- is too sacred to be played upon, yet too simple a reason to take the vows to being together forever.
I see you smile
I hold on to you as the lights fill my eyes.
A fleeting moment that we’re together,
You fade away as the morning cries.
I can only try to remember,
All the things we we’re happy for.
I miss us so bad it’s like a frozen ember.
Longing for the time we could have more.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sweeter than sweet for a woman to do this, but what more of a man doing this? One may call it “cheesy”, “emo”, or “possessive”, “overacting”…but to women in love, it’s pure and simple LOVE EXPRESSION.
I don’t know with you, but I will feel pretty special if it was me…just as my best bud Mimi being loved by her Badong.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yes, yes you heard me right ~ plain and simple chocolates. Well, that’s aside from it being released from the emotional part of the brain when we fall in love. Right again, when we feel all mushy and cheesy; the reason why you receive them from your suitors is simply them hoping that whatever lacks in the natural release in the body will be compensated by what chocolates can do.
So all you men out there, don’t be overly worried of us losing those curves…in exchange to obtaining our love ;)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I would use my last breath to say I
LOVE YOU” ~ by Dani B.
“If I has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I
LOVE YOU”…and this I believe has been done unaccountable times through the years even before this very quote has been written because love brings out the poets in us. We become even more deserving of such write-ups at that very moment of uttering them because it is coming from the inner recesses of our hearts and souls.
And it is the hardest part in all of our lives, letting go of our love one to the painful separation of death. AND SO, LET US NOT AWAIT FOR OUR LAST BREATH TO SAY THOSE MAGICAL WORDS, “I love you”!
Friday, October 30, 2009
10 years age gap can work, just as it did with my great grans being a teacher-student relationship. They lived happily with 7 loving kids. BUT I am uncertain if it is conceivable if it is a 10 year gap with the lady being the more senior. It just seems impossible. Women by nature, matures earlier than men…and that big a gap may not be pursuable anymore. I don’t’ know if you know any couple in such a case, if so, I would love to hear their standing. Just as I am not sure yet how this story, The Invitation, will turn out. Jackie is the baby sitter of Billy whom he has loved since and until they met again a decade after.
An exciting story I can say, them being both very aware of each other and the spark of interest that had been there all along is now in a mature definition.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
REMEMBER, life is full of surprises. You never know what awaits you…that while you are wasting precious time of being with her, time runs off until later on IT’S TOO LATE.
You can never know until you try…and try you should when that something or someone is worthy of it!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
One may hid behind laughter’s or activities, but inside, still bleeding and burning as an aftermath of the break-up. It may take days, weeks, months…even years DEPENDING on your acceptance of reality before you can look back and not feel a thing. That’s how it is in this world, that’s how our creator made life. With happiness comes sadness. Both tears of joy and tears of sorrow exist.
Talking about it gives others the venting they need, but in others it rekindles the flame. Understand that in every thing we do there is a corresponding cause and effect; there’s a beginning and an end.
Again, acceptance is the key. And it’s not just in a snap will you acknowledge the facts…it takes TIME.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
If centuries ago it would have been appropriate that ladies not show even their ankles, now it’s not just ankles that are showing but way up to thighs or even more; if long ago it is unbelievable if someone tells you that a lady is working and doing something else other than household chores, now it is common to see ladies working, even more so a man’s job; and improper it may seem to elderly still, now it is proper and acceptable for ladies to do the first move and not wait for the gentleman to do the wooing or even the very courting.
Yes, how things have changed…how people have changed. Sometimes it is nice to look back and savor the simplicity of life lived by our ancestors, but then again there were times that we thank the heavens that we are in this generation.
Are you amongst the “hoping it was still yesterday” or amongst the “I’m glad I am here today”? What is it you prefer more than the other? Add more to these facts I love…
• The genteel lady of the past centuries, their naiveté and their innocence that upon learning of the mating at the proper time, it is more fulfilling for both the husband and the wife.
• The rights of the women today almost at a level with the men.
…there are a lot I know, please do share your thoughts ;)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
But apart from those dreams, I live also in the novels and the books that I read. I am right now Sara a boarded a ship that belongs to my husband whom I married when I was still 4 years old. Yeah, it is an arranged marriage, but successful nonetheless. There were the usual ups and downs that naturally come along in a newly bounded couple; the adjustment and the getting to know each other phase.
This book is a romantic-comedy that had me laughing, curl my toes in delight and even peek through my fingers as I cover my face with my hand in the unbelievable events. It’s mighty entertaining, and truly inspiring to have your own love story to tell.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We know of men knowing how to make us feel those butterflies in our stomachs, gives us those unexpected tingling sensations or make our toes curl with delight. We even say we’re so used to it, that we know when it is coming. BUT still, we just can’t escape the wonderful effect it gives us even with just a simple word of appreciation, with those smoldering looks sent our way or even a simple flattering remark uttered.
Though intended to cause us those blushing moments, we still have doubts to the reason for it instead of merely appreciating it. It’s just way too many times already that men around us do such things to get something in return. They sometimes pose as a predator waiting for the kill. And so one wrong move, we’re dead.
Still there are those harmless ones that simply tell you honestly what they feel or to simply make us feel special as we deserve it. Maybe in this instance, we just have to trust our instincts and to just put extra care in our actions so as to avoid sending false signals at the same time keeping us safe from being a possible target to painful experience.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
This reality of a man's confusion to what he feels happens, and it sometimes poses a problem to a relationship. And we know that they were the ones who are good at hiding these emotional turmoils that leads to misunderstandings, and seldom do the lady of his heart gives him the so-called "space" he needs simply because the lady is not aware of this unspoken demand. This confusion that becomes all the more confusing. If only they would not include the romantic side of them to that male ego they naturally have. AND if only all the ladies be reminded of these facts that had to be accepted and dealt with to keep the love going.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Physically, age can deceive us into revealing signs of maturity. There are some fortunate individuals though were gifted with delayed indicators, yours truly is one of which THANK GOD ;) But partnership does not end with the difference in age. There are the preferences, the principles, and the rearing. Imagine two different individuals who have grown up with different people, have lived and believed in different facts…then suddenly BOOM, love blossoms…here comes in the acceptance of one another. Respecting each individual’s likes and dislikes.

If one is to choose, there is of course greater possibility that the one closest your age will match your partialities. There will not be a problem with the crowd you both fancy, say your community-help gatherings and his sports buddies; the measure of your physical capacity will match as well thus activities will not be so far off, like his trekking and your cracking joints and aching limbs; or simply the concern of any generation gap in music, in events or the so-called “in” things.
…then again LOVE conquers all! Just make sure that THE LOVE YOU HAVE NOW WILL CONTINUE TO BURN AS THE YEARS GO BY. That is why people say, “Think it over a thousand times before saying I DO!”
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This is a common problem encountered in a relationship with a domineering partner, or those with high expectations with their love ones, or even to those who are aware how their better halves loves them way too much. It’s in this situation that such words can be uttered after the relationship have traveled a little while already though not in exactly the same words.
There’s the feeling of inadequacy and/or the feeling of suffocation that leads then to letting go of the love you so hoped to work out. It’s either that one get fed up with too much effort being exerted in the relationship instead of it being comfortable, frequent fights and misunderstandings or simply discontentment.
One cannot insist on a mere physical attraction. The totality of that person needed to be compatible with your own totality if you want your relationship to have an easy flow. Nevertheless, those others also can survive though with a little more challenge and spice if there is full acceptance of each ones differences, strong points and weak points. Respect is very important in every relationship...especially in two differently reared individual adjusting to becoming one.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
We all have our own stories to tell, own childhood sweethearts maybe? But not everyone have the same heart bursting excitement of being with that “first love” again. It is timely that I learned of this since I am lately watching this Philippine tele-serye (television series) “Dahil May Isang Ikaw” that also centers on a childhood love that has found each other again. It seems impossible, but then again, now I know that it is possible! As this couple said, “Thanks to Facebook” to which they owe their gratitude for being the bridge to their long lost link.
How about you, have you been as lucky to have such love affair? Or maybe an even better one?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A rhetorical question, I’m sure! Everybody wants to end up with the RIGHT and not the WRONG one.
People seek their horoscopes in the magazine, have their tarots read looking for the so-called “Soulmate” or simply doing the “find him my way” by not waiting for him to come to her but go look for him. Going to parties to increase the number of choices, agreeing to blind dates hoping for that magical spark of “love at first sight”, or joining dating sites in the web and social networks like Tagged to travel across the globe for a farther search.
We may not voice out our participation in this wide search for Mr. Right…but we definitely are guilty of hoping to find him. Deny it all you want, but there’s no one to benefit but you in this advice:
“Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife (or husband, I believe) is from the Lord” (Proverbs 19:14). In tagalog version, “Namamana sa magulang ang bahay at kayamanan, Ngunit buhat kay Yahweh ang mabuting maybahay (asawa)”.
He alone can give us the best, we only have to ask Him.
It’s been a while and I tried my best to heal whatever threats I had…I wonder why of all sites…mine was chosen by a hacker to pester. I hope to be rid of them evil-doers FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR!!! Shooooo! Leave me to my simple happiness of making other people happy just reading my posts…and better yet of the friendship created in this World of Blogging.
Let me then end this by saying THANK YOU to all those who have followed me through for almost a year now, for those who drops by every so often, for all commentors who shares with me their thoughts and their time and for all who have became as dear to me as I am to them!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
HELLO FRIENDS! i need help with my site!!!
if you can notice, it's been a while since i last visited my site...please understand that i am at the moment trying to do some html checking for fear of spammers and hackers.
don't be alarmed if at this moment you will not see YOUR links in my blogroll, which i have temporarily deleted BUT i promise to restore soon. i apologize and i hope this will not affect our connections and friendship.
i'll be back as soon as i can. please do not hesitate to email me at for any message you wanted for me to read sooner.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Oblivious to my ever watchful stares
My moment froze when you first looked straight into my eye
Even in my dream I see those thick lashed eyes
An architect, they say you are
Yes it’s been 13 long years since I last saw you
this one here is a li'l bit of a revelation of the romantic side of me=) for my A____ who have been my long time crush...wonder where he is now.
this is actually a re-post from my life 'round meNyou which is an intro to my next post MR. RIGHT. visit back for it, okay?